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Findroommate helps you create a modern and attractive profile according to your wishes, so you can find your match.
Many roommates from different countries use findroommate to find a place to live
You will get a roommate profile to stand out from the crowd
A unique profile standing out from the rest
Create a profile for free. Use text, photos and video to make it personal and unique.
Many happy users
150.000 happy users have used us
Every day new users find a room and roommates to share their home with. We also help you.
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Room ad with a picture of a cozy living room
Get a bigger and better overview of available rooms
We have our own rooms, and as an extra feature we collect rooms from other sites.
Room ad with a picture of a nice bedroom with a huge closet
Över 150.000 nöjda användare
Unik profil med egen video
Du är tillgänglig för hyresvärdar
Vi har alltid lediga rum
Screenshot of a video portrait a roommate can create and add to their ad
You get a cool video portrait for your profile
Show the landlords who you are through a video. The landlords get a better impression of who you are and your profile will be more memorable and personal.
Description and photo of yourself
Write a text about yourself and your search criteria and upload photos. The more information on your profile, the better the impression.
Example of a profile with a picture to show how much focus a profile picture gets
Add instagram to your findroommate profile to show more personal stuff about yourself
Use your Instagram profile on findroommate
Connect your Instagram profile as icing on the cake to show more about you and your everyday.
Get noticed and contacted by the landlords
When you create a profile on findroommate, it will be shown on our ‘roommate’ page which the landlords use to find and contact potential tenants.
Your profile in focus, so you will get found by many landlords renting out rooms
We have made it easy for you to find a place to live